Claiming a VX

OctoHedz VX are still available for claim

You can mint an OctoHedz VX NFT by using the claim tool on our website by following these steps:

Step 1 - Go to Step 2 - Connect your Metamask wallet Step 3 - Click "Load OctoHedz" (This may take a moment) Step 4 - Check the box under 1 OctoHedz Genesis NFT or 2 OctoHedz Reloaded NFTs Step 5 - Ensure you have 300 Inkz in your wallet (Claim the Inkz if you haven't already) Step 6 - Click "Genesis Claim" or "Reloaded Claim", depending on the type of your claim Step 7 - Confirm the transaction on Metamask Step 8 - Enjoy your NFT! You can now view it on your profile at

Last updated