INKz is a token passively generated by holding an OctoHedz Genesis NFT

For each OctoHedz Genesis NFT a person holds, 8 INKz is generated per day. INKz is an ERC-20 token, intended for use within the OctoHedz ecosystem. INKz can be used to claim an OctoHedz VX or Baby Krakens NFT. INKz may also be redeemed within the OctoHedz Marketplace (date TBA) for NFTs, whitelists, in-game items and more. For more information on the upcoming marketplace, check out the announcements channel of our Discord.

300 Inkz can be used to mint an OctoHedz VX, either by claiming 1 OctoHedz Genesis NFT, or by claiming 2 OctoHedz Reloaded NFTs. Claimed NFTs do not expire, though the same NFT cannot be used again in another claim. To check if your NFT has been used to claim an OctoHedz VX, use the official tool from the OctoHedz website, by typing in the ID of the NFT.

If you're short on INKz, but want to mint an OctoHedz VX, try swapping another token for INKz using the following contract address on Metamask, a similar wallet, or an online exchange. Contract address: 0xd0c37Cda48Fe5D6Ee7132181a90DC58206Db5404

Last updated